Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Making Good Choices

I think that was the theme of my week with my sister visiting. I can't say I made perfect choices, I can't even say I made awesome or great choices, but I can, without a doubt, say that I made good choices. I said no to eating when I wasn't hungry. I ordered salads as sides instead of something fried. I always ate the salad first, so that if I got full it was on good stuff and when I chose to stop eating (which I did, almost every meal there was food left on my plate), it was after I had consumed the healthiest things that make my body run better.

Speaking of running, I haven't done any of it. I've been walking quite a bit still, it seems like it's just a lifestyle habit now to walk places more often than taking the bus. Even up the deadly hill that starts at my house - I think I have an easier time walking up that now than I did when I moved here and was 40 pounds lighter. Nevertheless, I see my ticker counting down to my first 5k, and I feel a little tinge of nervousness in the back of my mind. I scouted out a 5k route around my house, and I've walked it but haven't run it yet. I now have 10 days to train for this run...wish me luck!!