Friday, January 22, 2010

Thank Goodness for Measuring Tapes!

I pulled out the measuring tape and was expecting to see some changes. Even in the short amount of time since I've been tracking it I have noticed that my clothes fit better. I also tried on the Torchbearer jacket and it no longer looks like olympic-inspired cellophane. What I did not expect, however, was that I would have lost 5.5 inches this week! I'm so stoked. This means 9 inches in total (2 weeks) from my chest, waist and hips. I am so happy I decided to measure myself as well as watching the scale.

I also spent some more time with my friend the treadmill today, and got up to 15 minutes of running-time, which, at 4.5 mph means that I ran almost 2 kilometers...torch relay, here I come! Next time I'm planning to increase the speed up to 5 mph. Wish me luck!